eBreviary, Acrobat Reader DC
Google Drive, Windows PCs and Macs
Start Acrobat, open prayer PDF (no webpages or log-in).
Acrobat Reader DC (
Adobe webpage
Acrobat Reader DC is eBreviary’s app for Windows PCs and Macs.
Acrobat Reader DC can open eBreviary’s shared Google Drive folder with 35 weekly prayer PDFs.
Subscribers would start Acrobat Reader DC, open the shared folder and PDF portfolio, and print PDF booklets.
To share eBreviary’s Google Drive folder, subscribers must have a Google Account and inform
Essential features
Printing 5.5 x 8.5 inch booklets requires the Acrobat Reader DC's booklet printing feature.
Opening weekly PDF portfolios requires the Acrobat Reader DC as the default Windows PDF readers will fail.
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