eBreviary, Display Prayers, other mobile devices
Kindle Fire 7 (12th generation)
Silk Browser
Touch the link to mobile devices, today, touch a Download button.
Install Adobe Acrobat app (mandatory for weekly portfolios).
Touch the link to mobile devices, weekly portfolios.
Touch the Download button.
Touch Open with Adobe Acrobat.
Shared cloud folders, weekly portfolios
Install Adobe Acrobat app
Create an Adobe account (recommended), or a OneDrive or Dropbox account.
Use a PC/Mac to transfer weekly portfolios to a cloud folder.
Use the Adobe Acrobat app to open the cloud folder.
Google Drive may also work.
Kindle Paperwhite (11th generation)
Smaller weekly
zip files
Subscribers can download eBreviary's smaller weekly zip files to a PC/Mac and then send each zip in an email to the subscriber's name@free.kindle.com.
- convert - should be the subject line of the email, so that the PDFs are converted to Kindle format.
The PDFs are easy to read in landscape.
Home page